"When we all think alike, then no one is thinking."
— Walter Lippman

Friday, June 12, 2009

Garden Journal

Over the past few years I have kept a very informal little garden journal. In it are brief notes about when certain plants are blooming, when pests appear and what is done about it (this year we will be writing about gophers). There are notes about collecting seeds, which variety of tomatoes were best, and occasional drawings of the placement of plants in the flower beds. Last year's entries included weather notes; the devistating tornado we watched from our home and the floods that left us with "lake front property" and others without homes.
It's interesting to look back over past seasons and read the plans made for this one. The pages are often smudged with dirt, as entries are made while I rest after working. This is part of the overall 'patina' of the book.
My own little garden journal sits on a shelf in my garden shed; the one pictured here is from my Etsy shop.


Sharon Parker said...

Yes, garden journals are very useful tools! I haven't been keeping up with such note-taking lately, and you have reminded me that I need to get back on track with that. And my blog! I was working in the garden just today and thought about writing something, now I just need to do it!

Robert W. Leonard said...

That's awesome. What a great idea. Not only do you have tips if things go wrong (as to what led to that), but you also can look back and have memories of it all. Very cool. :)

andrea creates said...

This is very nice-I can't wait to have a garden I can have a journal for-i will very soon:)
Take care-

Sherry said...

It's a wonderful idea, and of course you have the loveliest garden journal. I actually collect vintage garden books. They are filled with such great information.

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